Not a lot of cookin' on this one. A fast dish at camp or on a picnic at the park or ever in your back yard BBQ. Most dressings are not cooked but this is a good and tasty one. If you have a veggie not listed that you like, through it in.
6 cups cabbage, shredded
1 cup carrots, shredded
½ cup green bell pepper, chopped
½ cup red bell pepper,chopped
¼ cup sugar
½teaspoon unflavored gelatin
¼ cup apple cider vinegar
2 tablespoons cold water
1/3 cup canola oil
1 teaspoon celery seed
¼ teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon fresh ground pepper
¼ cup sour cream
In a large mixing bowl, toss together first 4 ingredients. Set said. In a 6" or 8" Dutch oven, over 6 or 8 charcoals, stir together sugar, and gelatin. Add water and vinegar. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly until sugar is disalved. Remove from heat and let cool. In a medium mixing bowl add celery seed, salt, pepper.Slowly add oil and whisk well till blinded. Add and whisk in sour cream just till blinded. Pour over vegetables in the mixing bowl and toss till well coated. Place the veggies in mixing bowl in an ice bath till chilled, or in ice box. Serves about 10.
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