Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Herbs and Spices

A few posts back, I posted some recipes for sauces. Sauces bring a lot of flavor to a dish, but so do herbs and spices. I always buy mine from a spice store ( Butte Creek Mill ) so I can get small amount. Spices lose flavor in a short time, so only get what you can use in a few weeks. Spices and Herbs should enhance foods flavor, not overpower it. Keep in mined that your tastes may differ, and some seasonings in some foreign foods are characteristically hot. You may want to start with smaller amounts than recipe calls for, and work up to personal and family preferences. Dried herbs are more concentrated then fresh. As a rule, if a recipe uses a tablespoon of fresh herbs, use only ½ to 1 teaspoon dried herbs and ¼ teaspoon ground herbs. Remember to use the freshest you can find. If you can't find a spice store close to you, you can order online from the Butte Creek Mill, Or go there next time you are in Southern Oregon. It is a true, water powered, working mill. Well worth the trip.

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