Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Hazruquive (hominy, bean sprout, and corncob Stew)

Corn season is quickly coming upon us. One of my favorite foods of Summer. This is an Anasazi dishe from long ago. The Anasazi ( A Navajo word for " The Ancient Ones ") Cultivated corn and beans and included them in many of their foods. I also love hominy, so this is got to be in my summer menus. If you can't find sunflower sprouts, bean sprouts will work. Or sprout them your self.

2 cups hominy, cooked
3 cups Veal Stock, may substitute with chicken stock
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon black pepper
3 ears yellow corn on the cob, cut into 3-4-inch pieces
2 cups sunflower sprouts

Place the hominy in a 10" or 12" Dutch oven with enough water to cover hominy. Place oven over 12 to 14 charcoals. Bring to a boil; add veal stock, salt, and pepper. Return to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Add corn and continue cooking 10 minutes more. Add sunflower sprouts and simmer  until sprouts are tender, about 5 more minutes. Serve hot. Customarily the corn is eaten with the hands, and the hominy and broth with a spoon. Hazruquive tastes wonderful with Navajo Fry Bread, and the White Mans* coffee.  *Belagona

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